Coding my first neuron :)

My studies on artificial intelligence are going well i coded my first neuron at 6:55 pm today. basically the formula for a single nueron is pretty much output = (weights*input) + bias.That is just one thought its useless without multiple neurons.


More studying

Iam going to have to study for annual drill inspection and for ami because while were getting inspected they are going to ask all the cadets questions.Didnt have a ride for drill for a couple of days so i kinda fucked up a few time during practice lmao.Also i been getting into chess still bad at it but iam getting better.Also i switched to dwm and love it, its so simple and customizable. I also have to study for an agiculture test that will determine if i pass the class or not.Non of my friends really text me or start a conversation first its always me.It kinda sucks.everytime i focus on something i see somethng random like i was just looking at. i like to search up suicde methods makes me feel wanted Well thats all ~Conor Stinson