Hello again, I honestly forgoten about this website for a while i checked on it a couple of times but never got that drive to work on it until now.Iam taking a cybersecurity essentials course that was provided for free by online classes it also gives me a highschool credit.I have an 90% in that class.I got kicked out of computer networking course because my parents were always at work and couldnt attend the welcome call.Oh well i can sign back up for it any time.


I made my raspberry pi into a little streaming server and nas.Iam using wireguard on it.The best thing about it is it can access my jellyfin server"a open source server for streaming video" and access my Totally legalally occupied courses anywhere from my phone!!! I had some cavities on my front teeth which where really bad but i got it fixed a couple days ago.The pain was enormus but at the end it was a blessing.I can finally smile to my hearts conten

I just finished a little warmup project in rust which takes two numbers adds them together and prints out if it is even or odd. I been also reading the quran and philosophy book named "a man in universe" by aristole it talks about metaphysics in the opening chapters


Well thats all for me ~CS